Targeted Geo Based Prospects, NOT Clicks for your business, any keyword, any zip code:

The report we send you consists of:

o   Full Name

o   Email Address

o   Home Address

o   Phone (when available, these are at best -30% correct, I know when I fill out forms or request information I never put my real phone number, as well as these are not ran against the DNC)

o   The keyword they searched for

         The Follow-up System Includes:

o   12+ email follow up messages

o   Text messages sent to the leads list every Monday

o   Broadcast email message sent to the leads list on the 10th, 20th, and 30th of the month

o   Ringless voicemails sent to the leads list on the 15th and 30th of the month

o   Facebook Ads – Custom Audience for your leads

o   Citations: Add Citations about your business to all major and relevant citation sites

o   Google News Sites and Articles Submission: four Google News Sites postings per month will be written and distributed to over 125 Prestigious sites

o   Google Business Profile Nurturing: Weekly+ posts and image uploaded to your GBP

o   Testimonial Videos: If you have any videos I will optimize the video properly and upload them to YouTube and various other video sites.  I will also take any Google Business Profile reviews or written testimonials you have and make them into videos

o   Pictures: Geo tag all pictures and upload

o   Videos: Information and content videos about your business optimized and uploaded


John Piacentino

(609) 280-5983